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I went to a liquor store in Kobe for Taido's Kame-no-o but it was empty 😿. I guess I'll have to go back around March. So I bought this instead! It's been a long time since I drank at home. It's been 6 years since I've had this label, and this is the first time I've had Yamadanishiki at home. I used to drink it occasionally before I started drinking sake but for some reason I don't drink it much anymore😅. The flavor is a bit nutty, but you can really taste the umami of the rice, with a hint of sweetness and a crisp finish. It seems sweeter than the Junmai Ginjo Omachi I've had in the past. I think this is a feature common to all junmai ginjos from Kukagura, but it also has a grassy or graininess to it. It also has a grassy or graininess to it. It tastes sweeter after a long time than when it is freshly opened. I haven't had a proper Junmai Daiginjo-namaishu from Kukura, so I'd like to try a variety of them!
Hello, bouken! I haven't had Kukura for a long time 💦. When I go to the brewery, I always end up buying the limited edition stuff 🤣. On a different note, the Izumi Sake Brewery building is looking really nice 😃.
Good evening Robin. I also buy the monthly limited edition sake when I go to the brewery 😁I've heard it's been cleaned up but I've never been to Izumi Sake Brewery yet 😥I would go if they had a limited edition brewery 🤔....