SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I got a day off after a business trip, so I went back to my parents-in-law's house to greet the Bon Festival. Wife and kids went to play with cousins first, and I took the train later 🚉. I got off the train in front of Fukui station and picked up some souvenirs at the only department store in Fukui. Then, I knew I had to go to the sake bar I had always wanted to go to, so I came to SHIMA & COFFEE & SAKE! This is a store that focuses on sake from outside of Fukui Prefecture, so I found this in the showcase with high expectations 💡. Katsuma Junmai Ginjo" from Seito Shuzo Brewery in Toyama! Aroma of full rice, fresh and clear flavor, sweetness, slight bitterness at the back of the throat, and a pleasant noiseless aftertaste. I think this may be the first sake that I have ever enjoyed so deeply and immersed myself in its deliciousness. No wonder it is so popular 😁. The 4th picture is a black beer and smoked fish set (🍺) at Awatachi, a stand-up craft beer bar we stopped by before SHIMA.
Hi, Jive. I think an unscheduled tipple before returning home sounds a bit exciting 🎵. I haven't had Katsuma yet, but your post made me suddenly want to drink it ✨. A glass of beer before sake would be superb on a hot day 🍻.
Hi Gyve 😃 Gyve always works hard at work etc., you got an unexpected reward from your wife ❗ Katsikoma for the first shot is a luxury ✨.
Good evening, ma-ki-san🌛. I heard that "Kachikoma" focuses on local and traditional customers, so it is hard to find it in many places 😅. If you see it at a bar or barbecue ✨
Good evening, Noodle Sake King 🌛. I'm so glad I was especially busy this week 😁 I saw on your instagram that you had a small amount left, so when I walked in and checked my podols, I ordered them immediately 😆.