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Yokobue Dai-Meishu Brewing Alcohol Rice, rice malted rice Polishing ratio 70%. Alcohol content 15 Sake meter degree +5, acidity 1.0 I drank this sake at a get-together after attending a technical committee meeting of the association to which my employer belongs on Wednesday, January 24 last week. It was the only sake in the all-you-can-drink menu. It was the first brand I had ever heard of! It was served cold from start to finish! It smelled like almonds when poured into the glass cup! When I sipped it, there was almost no alcohol smell, which is typical of aluzoe, and even though it was cold sake, it did not have a harsh smell or tingling sensation on the nose! The taste is different, but it has a good balance of sweetness, spiciness, mellowness, bitterness, etc. like Niigata's Tsuru no Tomo 😍. Don't underestimate the sake made with alcohol! Nanchatte... I drank 4 gou of sake by myself 😘. I had a beer as a chaser 🤣. Yum!
Good morning, kozo 😀 How strong is your drinking ability with 4 gou of beer as a chaser 😅. I'm afraid to drink all the sake I can, but this sake seems to have been ok 😀.
Hello, kozo 😃! Yokobue🪈! Last year on my trip to Shinshu to buy sake 😅Yokobue, you bought me a stylish label 😅Yokobue, but this one is in kanji 🤗It's more like a vertical flute 😆.
Yasube-san Good morning......I like beer too, and in the beginning I used to use it as a chaser to cleanse my palate, but then I realized it was too much and changed to cold water 🤣I try to alternate with water, not just sake, because too much can make you drunk 🤣.
Jay & Nobby. Good morning... I had never heard of Yokobue, so I searched to see if anyone was drinking it and saw J&N's post 😍Labels are important... because with people, first impressions are hard to overturn...