SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
MICHII have reached 200 check-ins in less than two years. We have enjoyed realizing the different tastes of different brands. I still chose "Hidakami" for this milestone. All of these are sakes that I drink at home, comparing them with each other.
アラジンHi MICHI, nice to meet you, good evening, and congratulations on your 200 check-ins: ㊗️🎉 Kiri number is very impressive. ☺️ Enjoy your wonderful sake life in the future 🍶👍
MICHIGood evening, Aladdin! Thank you for your comment. I am a sake brewer with more than 1,000 breweries, and this is 200 out of more than 10,000 brands. I will enjoy it with Aladdin's 47/47 in mind first.
ジェイ&ノビィGood morning, MICHI 😃! Congratulations on your 200 check-in ㊗️㊗️ 🎉It's a day-takami-kiri number following your 100 in 🤗Let's continue to have fun at home 😋😄!
MICHIJay & Nobby, thank you for your comments. I'm starting to feel that it's impossible to go 47/47 with only the brands available in the neighborhood or on the street by chance. From now on, I will set a goal and enjoy walking around and drinking at home.