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Asahikiku純米吟醸 麗
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This time it is Asahi Chrysanthemum. I was wondering if I should fully equip our house with Asahi chrysanthemums in the coming season. I was thinking, I found it at a Japanese restaurant in my neighborhood, so I ordered it without hesitation. It is slightly cream-colored. The top aroma is like brown sugar. First, a sip at room temperature. The mouthfeel is smooth. The mouthfeel has a strong alcohol taste, The aroma of a mixture of ginjo aroma and brown sugar passes through the nose, and the sweet umami taste spreads slowly. The aftertaste is refreshing and clean. Light in flavor for a warmed sake. Warmed sake. Oh, it's delicious, with the alcohol feeling of the corners removed and a good balance of sweetness, umami, and bitterness! It was especially delicious when heated and then cooled, with just the right volume of slightly thickened, mildly sweet umami. Even though it has been aged for 3 years, it is not difficult to drink, which is characteristic of aging, It is good that it is light and full-bodied. The dashimaki tamago (rolled egg) we always order at this restaurant! (Actually, there were 4 slices, but the picture looks like 2 slices.) It goes well with the mildness of the soup stock and eggs, I would also like to try it with sesame paste.
Hi Hirupeco, good evening 🌇. Thank you for your support for Fukuoka sake 😊. I don't drink much even though it's a local sake. I always tend to put it off because it's always available 💦.
Good morning, Haruei Chichi! Heated Asahi Kiku sake is great 😆 You should try some local sake this winter! Fukuoka has a great selection of sake 😊.
What? What is it? Is this sake (which I haven't tasted yet) really that good? I've never tasted this sake before.
Good evening, sake-run. Asahi Kiku is the No. 1 sake I would recommend to those who want to open the door to heated sake (according to Hirupeko) ☝️ experience heating up from room temperature 😆♨️🍶.