SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Today was the first time in a long time that I was able to enjoy this kind of lazy life 😊My son is finally starting to listen to me a little more and learning a lot of surprising words 🤣WOW, I feel he's growing up! Got a notice on line from Gotoya that Kouko was in stock so I went shopping and bought a bottle 🤗. I told the owner that the label of Kouko had recently changed to a cool design, and he told me that he commissioned a famous designer to make the label because he wanted it to sell well in Tokyo. ‼️ I think it sells well even if it's not in Tokyo because it's delicious 😅💦. Today's snack is Yakitori & Sashimi 😘. Then open the bottle: ‼️ The aroma is fruity and the taste is sweet and juicy with a Koko-like 🍎😍. It's still delicious 👍
Good morning, Masa 😃. I got the same one just yesterday👍I guess that's why the label changed! But it's cool but hard to take pictures 😅. I'm sure it tastes great ‼️ I'm looking forward to drinking it 😊.
Good evening Jay & Nobby😄! I don't think it's because they want it to sell in Tokyo 🤣It's so hard to take pictures 💦I'm sure it tastes great and I look forward to your review 🤗‼️
Good evening, Masa☆(**ч`*) The design of the label is indeed cool 🤔 mouse and turtle? I thought "Koshi" was famous, but I guess it's just famous in the "Sake no Wa" area 🙄.
Good evening, Mr. Shiri! I couldn't ask why it looks like a mouse and a tortoise 😊 but it's stylish 🤣 I found out about it while I was on an adventure after I started playing wakunowa.