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Kumonoi袋しぼり さかほまれ純米吟醸原酒生酒
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阪堺電車 車内
Report on the August meeting of the SAKEWA Kansai Chapter ⑦📝. This was also the first time for me to try Kumonoi. Speaking of Fukui sake, I love Bon, which is available in my neighborhood, but I had never had any other sake properly, so this was a good opportunity for me. It is made from sake rice called Sakahomare, which I have not heard much about, and it is squeezed in a bag, so it is sure to be delicious in all the right places. ❗️ The rice flavor was well spread, with a slightly fruity aroma and a lingering aftertaste. Thanks to Jive for bringing this from Fukui and showing me another new Fukui sake ✨.
Hi Yoohee! Thank you for your review of Unnoi 🙇. It was a little too minor, but I'm glad you enjoyed it 😊. I'll choose a new Fukui sake for next time 😁.
Jive, good evening. ⭐︎ I'm glad to know about Kumonoi, because if I find it again in the future, it will be a good opportunity for me to buy it: ☁️ Please continue to tell me about various Fukui sake ‼️