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HanaabiTHE PREMIUM 美山錦純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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THE PREMIUM Miyamanishiki Junmai Daiginjo, 40% Polishing, Unfiltered Nama-shu This is the "orikarami" version, which can only be produced in very small quantities. It seems to be a limited product sold only at limited distributors. A regular customer asked the proprietress to serve it to us. I couldn't help but ask for one myself. I asked the proprietress for a drink. My impression was that it was not sake, but a pineapple cocktail. Even people who are not good at sake can enjoy it. A chic sake perfect for a date! The check-in was 199, but this is one that could have been 200. Ingredients : Miyamanishiki Rice polishing ratio : 40 Alcohol content : 16-17 Provenance : Saitama Prefecture, Nanyo Jozo Sake-no-Kinoshita
熊谷 朋之
Good morning, Jun-san! (≧▽≦) Hana-yori is delicious, isn't it? I have increased my inventory by tying this up (sweat). Has the 200 check-in hurdle been raised? I'm looking forward to it!
Kumagai-san, the Huayangbao is really tasty! I am so jealous that you have it stocked at home. Now, I am really in a state of 200 check-ins what to do.
Good evening, Jun-san 🌙 I drank this too 😋💕This is delicious 😆👍 I'm waiting for the unfiltered raw one too 🤭. Oh, I see your next 200 check-in is at ❗️ Looking forward to seeing what you drink 😄♪
Yes, mussels. I have imposed the binding to drink the hana yang whenever it is available! I will keep it up. I would like to make the 200 check-in a memorable drink!