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Yamaguchi Sake Festival on the way back to Shimonoseki ④ Finally, the ferry boat trip back from Shimonoseki: ⛴️ With the sunset from the boat in the background, the Izakaya Ferry is open 🤣. Today's bottle is a Junmai Daiginjo from Kai Hibiki, which was purchased yesterday at the Shimonoseki Shuzo brewery 😀. It's a junmai daiginjo, but it doesn't have a very high ginjo aroma 😅. But it is a delicious sake with a crisp and clear taste of rice 😀. The Junmai Daiginjo was also delicious and perfect for a mealtime drink 😀. I will be back in Osaka tomorrow morning and will continue the Yamaguchi Sake Festival for a while😇
Good evening, Yasbay 😃. Nice photo with the setting sun 🌅 in the background 🥹The fact that the lid is open is even more realistic and good👍 Izakaya 🏮 ferry ⛴️ is also good 😌I look forward to seeing your Yamaguchi sake 🍶 after you get back 👋.
Good evening, Yasube. On your way home, you're having a drink with the sunset in the background 🌇. That's very picturesque ✨ I'm looking forward to the Yamaguchi Sake Festival, which I hear will be going on for a while 😁✨✨.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😀 Actually, we took an early flight back so we were already more than half drunk when the sunset was the most beautiful 🤣. Now that we are safely back home, we will continue the Yamaguchi Sake Festival at home 😀.
Good evening, ma-ki-san 😀 I did my best to bring back a lot of Yamaguchi sake on this trip home 😀. I will resume the Yamaguchi Sake Festival as soon as possible this evening 😀.
Good morning, Yasbay 😄. Izakaya ferry is nice ☺️ ♪ The night view was nice but the sunset is also nice 🌅👍 This is my first time to know about Umikyo! I am looking forward to the Yamaguchi sake you are going to drink 😉.
Hi Yasbaye 🐦. I'm jealous of the izakaya series, ferry ⛴️ because I don't get many opportunities 😆 Another perfect name for a drink with the setting sun in the background👍✨It's a great situation that can't fail to be delicious!
Hi, Tsubu 😇 It was my first time to enjoy the view and drinks while traveling slowly like this, and I totally love it 😇 The night view was nice, but the drinks were more enjoyable while watching the sunset 🤣.
Hi Pon-chan 😀 I had never had a chance to drink sake in Shimonoseki, so I was very happy with my first sake called Umikyo 😇. Shimonoseki sake brewery was within my commuting distance when I was in junior high school, but I had no idea about it 🤣.