Next, we have Jikin ✨.
It's been a while - and it's a sake future ✨✨✨✨.
This is a sake with a nice balance of sweetness, and tartness ☝️
And it's like a clear, clean sake✨✨.
Not just good, but delicious sake😁.
In case you missed it, next week on the 22nd is Takagi Shuzo's brewery open day: ☝️
I might get carried away and drink again 😅
Hello Kano-san!
You are having a good drink after a day of rest 😁✨.
This one is delicious 😋.
I see you have another event coming up next week where you will be drinking a lot of alcohol 😅.
Hi ma-ki-, 😊I knew it would be delicious now 😁I have to try to reduce my alcohol consumption for next week's event as much as possible 😅.