At our favorite pub❗
Next, "Ginran"!
By the way, it's hard to tell if the bottle is black or indigo 😅.
This one has less gas and more umami (flavor) ❗ The taste is very typical of Shinshu sake 😋 The bottles are indistinguishable, but the flavors are completely different! Both are delicious, but I think I prefer the "Ginran" 🎵.
It's been a while since I've had more than one western sake 😊.
Hello, Noodle Sake King😄.
Drinking comparison of Iraka (Japanese tile tile) which is so trendy right now😳.
I'm jealous 🤩.
I've never been able to find Iraka myself because they are out of stock 😭
I'm trying every day to get the manager of the store I frequent to stock it 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Noodle King 🌛.
Iraka", I see it's the latest fad 😲.
I've never heard of this sake before, so Shinshu sake is very deep 😁.
And as always, the pub is well stocked with sake ✨.
Hi Hiro 😃
We were lucky enough to have it, but without this pub, it would have been a few years before we could drink it 😅It was a delicious drink, so I'm pushing hard for the manager: ‼️
Hi Jive 😃.
I learned about Iraka in Sakewa, but you guys are very knowledgeable about alcohol and quick to get new information 😲I'm really impressed with how great you are ❗ You are a pub that is too responsive to the needs of its customers 😁.