SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Kamonishiki荷札酒 月白 純米大吟醸 しぼりたて
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肴 地酒 いの喜
. Too many things happened at the beginning of the New Year 😮‍💨 Finally a bit of calm 🙌 We always ask for a bottle of sake 😍. This time I got the Tsukihaku Shiboritate! I've had the Nakakumi before, but the Tsukihaku is a really crisp, dry, and refreshing drink among the shakuhachi shu. It's delicious with yuba sashimi. ❣️
Hello, N.E. It's been a tough new year for you 💧. Thanks for your hard work🍀. If you have a cargo tag sake, I would ask for it. ⤴️ A light, dry cargo tag that is perfect for cooking on your tired body is sure to be blissful 😊.
Hi, ma-ki-chan 😆 I was a bit tired because of all the things I had going on at once, both publicly and privately 🤣. I really need to heal myself with sake in such a situation. Thanks to the interval, I felt it sink in even more 🥲.