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Asahisakae純米吟醸 本生 おりがらみ
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Today is hanami sake in Kyoto. Although we just strolled around Kyoto two weeks ago, surprisingly the cherry blossoms were in full bloom early this year, so we hurried to go cherry blossom viewing with the family. We walked from Kitano Tenmangu Shrine to Hirano Shrine, which is bustling with the Tenjin Market. The cherry blossoms at Hirano Shrine are shown in the third photo. The contrast between the bright rape blossoms and the cherry blossoms was fantastic. And by the time we returned to downtown Shijo, it was evening, and my partner gave me some time off to have a drink ^ ^. Today, we went to "tane", a sake store that I had also been aiming to visit. The first drink was a sake recommended by the owner. Asahi Ei was the first sake I had ever seen, and I was thrilled and excited. It has a smooth taste, It has a smooth mouthfeel, and after taking a sip, you will feel at ease with the sake. The clear citrus aroma spreads softly on the palate, and the clear taste is pleasantly delicious, with a gentle and soft rice flavor. According to the owner, there was an astringent taste when the bottle was first opened, but after a few days it settled down and became more delicious. It was a wonderful sake with a pleasant sensation as if it had been absorbed easily into the body.
Good evening, Hirupeko! Asahi Ei is a sake made by a brewery in my town🍶. I was kind of happy to hear that you drank it during the sake time after cherry blossom viewing in Kyoto😊♡I hope it is loved by everyone in Japan🤗Cherry blossoms and rape blossoms are beautiful✨.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 🌙 I've never seen this sake before either 😳It looks like an easy to drink sake😊I was surprised to see rape blossoms at Hirano Shrine! I'm surprised 😳so beautiful🌸It was a beautiful day ✨.
Good morning, Tsubu-chan! I see that this is Tsubu-chan's local sake... I liked the Asahi-Young gentle and core flavor 😊.
Good morning, Pon. Morning Sun Rising, I didn't know about it either, so I'm glad I came across it😊The rape blossoms were in the paid garden zone and the bright yellow and pale pink were absolutely beautiful🌸.
Good morning, Hirupeko! ☀️ Cherry blossoms🌸 and rape blossoms🟨 are a beautiful combination😍. There is also a sightseeing spot in Akita with cherry blossoms🌸and rape blossoms🟨 straight ahead on both sides of a single road😆It's my favorite place ❣️
Hirupeko-san...omega...no...koncha♪ Cherry blossom viewing is so nice 🌸. I bought some 🍶´- for Hanami this year too, so I want to drink it under the cherry blossoms. ☺️
Good evening, T.KISO. Indeed, the combination of rape blossoms and cherry blossoms was so beautiful that it seemed to burn into my retina. I wonder if the cherry blossoms in Akita will be around a little longer? Please review the cherry blossoms in full bloom with sake 😊.
Good evening, Erin. I'm already ready for Hanami and waiting for the cherry blossoms 😆 It might be a good idea to prepare for the cherry blossoms this year, especially since they are in full bloom too early. Looking forward to your review🌸