SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
LIBROM Check-in 1LIBROM Check-in 2
米屋 蔵バル 梅田店
Kansai Sake-no-wa: Off-line meeting with Mr. Gura coming to Osaka The last drink of the first meeting. Actually, you can bring your own drinks to this restaurant 😆. We had LIBROM brought by Mr. Gura as the last drink 😊. It was full of sweet and sour amaurosis and the spicy cinnamon combined with the sweetness of the amaurosis was really delicious 😋. Thank you for the delicious drinks, Gula-san 🙏. We headed to Osaka station building to go to the after-party, but we lost Pon-chan and Umaisan on the way to the after-party 😅. We were refused to go to the pub in the basement of Osaka Ekimae Building because it was full, so we turned around again and went through the hotel area (🏩) and the dubious stores to find the venue for the after-party. To be continued
bouken, I'm sorry to bother you so often 🙇. The rib rhubarb was delicious 💕 like the ❣️ dessert. By the way, I don't know about the second meeting, I'm looking forward to it 😁.
Good morning, Pon-chan! I heard there are so many flavors out there, it's hard to keep up 😁I heard there were plums too 😋my memory is a little hazy so it's not much to go on, but please bear with me until I post it 😊.