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AkabuNEWBORN 結の香純米吟醸
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Well, I'm tired 🥱Morioka to Aomori, then Akita to Morioka. I went there for two days and one night 🚙From Hanamaki, I got my first baptism of snowstorm😅. To relieve the fatigue, come on, let's drink ❗️ and let's get on with it. The standing aroma is muscat-like and fresh. In the mouth, it is juicy and sweet at first, but then you feel the bitterness. If anything, it is sweeter than I had imagined. However, there is no persistent aftertaste. With gratin. The extract from the seafood and the smooth texture of the ingredients go well with the sweetness brought out by this sake 😄Delicious 😋. Rice] "Yunokou" [Polishing ratio] 50% [Rice type Polishing ratio] 50% [Alcohol content] 15%. Alcohol content】15度 Pairing】Gratins Price including tax】2,530 yen
Good morning, Komacchan 😃. Good job on your long distance travel 🚙😌Driving on snowy roads is very careful 😅. Gratin and Sake go really well together 👍
Jaynobynoby, good evening. Gratin and sake go together quite well, don't they😄I'm sure the seafood brings out the flavor nicely 🦐🦪🐟.