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pyonpyon@gransta tokyo hassegawa liquor store Drinking until the last minute before leaving 😁💨💨 I always can't make it just in time for the bullet train, so this time I arrived at Tokyo station with plenty of time to spare and drank slowly~❤️The light cloudy was refreshing and delicious~❤️I bought some doburoku and went home 🎵
遥瑛チチGood evening, pyonpyon! I hope you enjoyed Tokyo 🗼 until the last minute! I also visited the store two weeks ago, but didn't have time for a drink... I wish I could go back!
pyonpyonHaruei Chichi, good evening 🌙😃❗I always have to wait for the bullet train and can't wait for a seat to become available 😅I went with plenty of time to spare for this ❗If your timing is good, you can have a drink in a chair seat~ 👍️
ジェイ&ノビィHi pyonpyon😃 You can make an itinerary to drink slowly at Hasegawa's...that's quintessential 🤗. Abekan here! I'm curious about the pop coloring on the label 😚 I see you're a sapphire 😋.
pyonpyonJay & Nobby, good evening 😃😃It was too cold to hang around outside in the rain, so I went there to have a slow drink - ❤️ but they said the time limit was 30 minutes and I couldn't stay that long 😅Abekan it was somewhat tangy and dry calpis feeling 💮.