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PUDOステーション まつばら酒店
Kaika Risshun Asa Shibori Jungin Nama-zake Every year, the owner of the sake store goes to the brewery early in the morning to purchase this auspicious bottle. The owner of the brewery himself went to the brewery early in the morning to purchase a bottle of this auspicious sake. I went to pick it up at the sake store where I had made an appointment in the afternoon. It feels like a year has passed in the blink of an eye 😄. Fresh aroma from the morning pressing! The first sip has a nice sharp taste with a hint of acidity! I'm going to enjoy it with Sukiyaki today! Home drinking 582
Hello, Harry senior 😃. I didn't have enough food in the fridge this year 💦. I'm not very elegant myself 😆.
Hi Harry 🐦. A good luck sake and a feast, a nice spring ✨. I too was drinking Risshun Asashibori and thinking how fast the year has gone by 😊It's nice to feel the seasons and time with sake 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Chichi 🌇. Well, we all have various reasons, It's peak season now, and it's not easy. Some of ours are directly placed in the coldest room in the back of the house, Well, I think of it as a refrigerated room.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌇. I knew I should have a lucky charm at the seasonal milestone. I'd like to keep the good luck items on the occasion of the season, and I'd also like to cherish the relationship with the nearest liquor store. I'm sure we'll cherish the relationship with the nearest liquor store 😁.