SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Traveling in Shinshu (4) After dinner at the inn, we went to an izakaya (Japanese style pub) in the hot spring resort area. But here's an emergency: one of the two izakayas is closed 😲 and the other one has so many customers that you can't get in without a reservation💦. We thought we would go back to our room to drink, but we found another izakaya 💡. The owner of this izakaya, who loves the Giants, was cheering for the Hanshin-Giants on the TV in the restaurant 😁. Unfortunately, just as we were watching the game, the Hanshin team exploded with a timely hit that scored 3 runs 💦. Here's the sake we had at the restaurant! Shichisyo", grade unknown. I asked for it to be warmed up, but it was served hot. The aroma of rice rising softly with plump flavor and sweet aftertaste. Sake and 4 or 5 dishes were served on your order. 3,000 yen for 2 people is not cheap, is it? The next day was also full of hot spring baths, and all five baths at the inn were complete ✨.
Hi Jive 🐦. Your Shinshu sake trip is going great 😆 I'm glad you were able to drink at a nice restaurant, albeit out of the blue! After all, it's cheap 🤣👍 The inn with 5 different baths is awesome too 😳✨I'm sure it will blow away your normal tiredness 😊.
Hi Gyive 😃七笑, I also bought it at a supermarket in Nagano. It was cheap ‼️ It's nice to have both the cheapest store here and the complete onsen 😊💕 with nice memories of your trip.
Hello Pon, ☀☀☀☀☀☀. I made great progress on my liquor store tour and the izakaya was in a drunken state 😁. My only regret is that I missed out on the horse sashimi 💦. The inn was a very drunken place to stay and I hope to repeat ✨.
Hi Wakata-san! I saw the sign "Nanasho" many times between Matsumoto city and Ueda city 😁 I felt that it is a locally enjoyed sake 😁. We had an open-air bath, a private bath, two types of indoor baths, an open-air bath with a room, and a hot spring ✨.