SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Purchased in Nakano, Tokyo♪ Alcohol content@16%. Sake degree @ Undisclosed Acidity @ Undisclosed Rice used @ Yamadanishiki and Gohyakumangoku Polishing ratio @ 40% for Koji rice, 50% for Kake rice Personal Recommendation@3.8/5.0 We're starting the 4th week of the year. Well, it's a start no matter what you drink 😍. I still haven't finished my Okinawan training which I started last week 😂. I'm not sure how I'll be able to keep it in the fridge since it's a bottle, so I've been drinking it on the rocks or with soda..., I looked back and read how I consumed it last time and it seems that I heated half of it and used the rest as a cooking sake 😄I guess I'll just have to use the rest as a cooking sake 🥹. If anything, the shochu I opened at the same time is already finished 😅. Well, I'm getting tired of Okinawan sake, so I opened a bottle of Tobiroki yesterday, which I bought in GW and had been sleeping for 4 months💓. Of course it's my first time drinking at home ❣️ I rarely drink outside and can only drink sake at unlimited sake drinking restaurants. ✌️ Well, once again, it's an orthodox sake when you drink it slowly 🍶. It's not gorgeous or fruity, but you can really enjoy the taste of the rice. ‼️ It would be great as a food sake 😄
Good evening, 3KAN4ON! I see you had a hard time with the Okinawan sake 😂 and a nice start to the Feiroki home drinking ❣️! Is this one gone already? 😆
Good evening, Pon-chan 😃😃 We still have some Okinawan sake left, but I opened a glass of Tobiroki for my roommate who wanted to drink it as you said, it was instant kill 😊.
Good morning, 3KAN4ON 😃! Oh! You are starting week 4 with a cool HIROKI 🤗I didn't know that 3 weeks achievement sake 🍶 is a struggle 😱. Let's put that one aside and paint it with some delicious 😋 sake 😁.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby😊. I visited S Sake Shop in Otawara today ✌️ There were so many sake that I wanted to buy but I forgot that it is a cash only store and I could only buy a few 😢.
Oh thank you for the ❗️ expedition 🤗 Eek 😱 that's too bad 😢 if you had told me I would have rushed over with the money 😆.
Good evening Jay & Nobby😊. I just returned home: ‼️ I stayed at Kinugawa Onsen and suddenly had an idea and went there because it was less than 40km when I checked ✌️ If you go to Tochigi again, please accompany me for shopping💓
First your friends 🤝🤣.