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Kubiki和希水 雪室熟成純米生酒純米生酒
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KUBIKI WAKIMIZU Snow Chamber Aged Junmai Namaishu Seasonal only June-August This sake is made from 100% Koshitanrei produced by "Kakizaki wo Eats Association", a group of 8 young farmers in Kakizaki, Joetsu City. This sake is brewed with Koshitanrei grown in terraced paddy fields where Odeguchi spring water, one of the 100 best waters in Japan, gushes out. It is a raw sake that has been matured in a snow chamber for several months after being squeezed. It has a refreshing, clear aroma The mellow mouthfeel of nama-shu and the gentle sweet and sour taste with fruitiness make it fresh and juicy to drink. It has a clear, refreshing and elegant flavor that slowly seeps through. It is easy to drink like water. Delicious! And the edamame is delicious today too. === Ingredients: Rice, Rice malt Rice: Koshitanrei from Kakizaki, Niigata Rice polishing ratio: 60% water Alcohol content: 15 degrees Sake degree:+4.0 Acidity: 1.6 720ml 1,485yen === ★★★★☆
Good evening, Kincatma. I like the label design and would buy it if I saw it. I'm drooling when I see what you think of it 🤤 it seems to be a sake that lives up to its name ‾.
Good evening, nanogg! That's a stylish and cute label! The design is based on the image of the mid-mountainous Higashiyokoyama area and the Oogate spring water, and the green of this nama-shu, which comes out before summer, is supposed to be an image of rice paddies!
Good morning, Kinchema! You mean the terraced rice field and blue sky in the water drops😄. It becomes more and more interesting to know the meaning of the design. Thank you 😆.