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This is a report from UCHIKOCHI MFG. located in front of Hanshin-Uchiide Station 📝. This store is famous for its kintsuba and shaved ice, but they also have a few bottles of sake on hand, which is why many of the ladies there drink it from noon onwards 👀. I went there on a hot summer day after learning about it from pyonpyon 🚗. On this day, they had Fukuju and Baomusume on tap, and I chose the Baomusume without hesitation. They keep the new sake that is squeezed for this store in the brewery and order it when they run out of stock. When I first heard that the alcohol content was 20 degrees, I thought, "Oh, no...it's not that bad," but as soon as I sipped it, the fresh sweetness spread out and slowly faded away, leaving behind a tangy, bitter taste. It was poured into a large vessel (could hold more than 1 cup) and I was drinking it with both hands 💧. I thought I could drink it smoothly when I reached this point, and I was able to return home without getting drunk because I was calmly aware that I would be in trouble if I drank too much 👍.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee 😊. I googled it and it looks like they serve curry and sake as well, so it's quite an unusual restaurant as rumored 😁. I've seen this sake many times at Azuma Tsuru but never had the courage to buy it 💦.
Hi Yoohee! I'd like to go there for kintsuba 😆. I slurp 20 degrees 😳‼️ really strong drinker👍
bouken Good evening ⭐︎ Yes, I had sardines in oil this time, and there were 3 big sardines 🐟. It's true that it's hard to drink it all up if it doesn't suit you 💧.
Good evening, Pon-chan. ⭐︎ I haven't had the kintsuba yet, but the matcha shaved ice was delicious with separate layers 🍧. I think it would be a good place to stop by while visiting Nada no Kura 💡. It's not that strong!
Yoohee, good evening 🌙😃❗I didn't see the temperature was 20 degrees at first, and I was upset when I realized it was a bad one 😅But it's good like amazake 😅The dumplings are also delicious with ginger and spices 🎵.