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Yamawaわしが国 純米吟醸 令和3年醸造純米吟醸生酒
ましゃ Yamawa's local distribution brand Washiwagakuni Junmai Ginjo, brewed in the third brewing year of 2021 The usual June hanpukai sake from Kadoya Sake Shop 😋. That's what Rafa's review said 😝. I wonder if the Wasiguni brand is in the hanpukai about once a year? That's the 2 year old vintage ‼️ I'm not sure I'd still be drinking it if it weren't for this hanpukai 🤔. Thanks again to Kadoya for teaching me about various sakes 🥰!
ポンちゃんGood evening, Masha! I'm looking forward to the next one! I enjoyed the Yamawa, so I'm curious to try this one that's been laid to rest 😊. What are you looking at, 😺? 😸
Rafa papaGood evening, Masha 😃. Don't use my review as a reminder 😤 I won't say 🤣 use it if you can 😌.