SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Part 2 of the sake I definitely want to drink in the fall. This time it's the long-awaited Izumikawa Funakuchi (^o^), which I really enjoy drinking every year. I drink this every year and it is really delicious. Personally, I prefer Izumikawa to Tobiroki. The aroma is fruity. It smells like peaches, apples, and pears. The sweetness comes a little later, and then the sourness and bitterness give way to a strong umami flavor. The aftertaste is moderate, and the alcohol taste is tangy at the end. Overall, it is not well-balanced, but the roughness is covered by the umami. You feel like you are drinking a pure sake. A really good one. After drinking this one, I usually go on to the new sake series. I guess it gets better as the day goes on. I feel autumn while drinking this sake. It is truly a blissful time. I really want everyone to drink this.
Good evening, Sashu 😃. I would like to drink and feel the blissful moment of a bottle of Izumikawa funakuchi ‼️ which you told me about before 🥹I would like to drink and feel such a highly praised one ☺️ Is there a place where I can buy it in Tochigi?
Jay & Nobby Yes, it is! It's fruity yet alcoholic and makes you feel like you're "drinking new wine". It is really delicious. It seems to be available at Tobiroki's distributors. In Tochigi, I think it is at Ueoka Sake Shop in Sano.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Sashiu 😃 I haven't seen Izumikawa 🥲I'd love to try it if you rave about it so much, but I have no idea where to find it 😭.
Rafa papa: I really love Izumikawa Funakuchi, and the fact that it is only available at this time of year makes it even more delicious. The roughness of Funakuchi enhances the sake's character. If you see it at an izakaya, please try it!