SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
AzumaichiLieto リェート
Azumaichi Check-in 1Azumaichi Check-in 2
Yome, who had gone to the bathroom, came back with a woman of about the same age. It's Mr. 00. ❗️ It turns out she's someone my wife follows on Instagram! Surprisingly, she was following me as well 😆. We decided to order another round of drinks and toast each other again! I ordered... Toichi Lieto Then, this time, the follower said I was told that a female staff member from Toichi was also coming to the restaurant ❗️ 🙌 I'm so glad to hear your honest opinion of Lieto because it's the first sake I've organized. ❗️ She is young and beautiful 😍! I'm rather happy for me... 😆. It's brewed with rice called "Shunyo", which the brewer himself grew! The stylish label looks like a wine! The aroma is fruity! The taste is citrusy 🍊 with a sweet and sour center! But then the bitterness gradually emerges and it finishes dry. The aftertaste is clean and refreshing, suitable for a mealtime drink. Rieto means "happiness" in Italian. Why don't you pair it with Italian 🍕🍝 and enjoy the blissful happiness? Bono👍
What a coincidence 😆 wow👍and a beautiful one at that 🤩.
Good evening, janitor takeshon 🌇. I would say it was a fateful encounter, but let's call it a coincidence 😆. I liked the fact that you are a very pretty staff member and you are very calm 😍.