SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Denshu純米大吟醸 四割五分 吟烏帽子純米大吟醸
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Father's Day was coming up this weekend, so I opened it to drink with my father. The aroma is sour and slightly fruity, with a hint of rummy. When you taste it, it is sweet and sour. The sourness may be derived from the acidity, but there is also a slight chili sensation on the tongue. Then the umami, the rice, and the crispness. It is delicious. The next day and after, the impression remains largely the same. The aroma is softly sweet and refreshing, and the rummy flavor is still there. It also has a slightly forest-like atmosphere. When you drink it, you can still taste the sweetness and a bit of bitterness, with a slight rummy flavor. The acidity is mellow. Although the sweetness is felt to some extent, it is not at all unpleasant, and there is a smooth and refreshing feeling, and it is delicious with a gradual flavor. When drunk with a mild snack, the umami and richness are emphasized in a rounded way, and it goes very well with it.
Good evening, Kotaro-san. Nice to have a sip of sake with your father 🎵. It was a good drinking time with very good sake 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki. Not that I have anything particularly useful to talk about, but it's a good time to relax with a good drink 😌 my father himself seems to be a whiskey party🥃🤣.
Good morning, Kotaro-san 🐥. You opened a nice sake to drink with your father👍✨I guess the Tasake made you a Sake party! 😁. I've never had a sake from this rice 😳I'm very curious 😊.
Hi Pon, ☀️ I enjoyed the sake on the pretext of Father's Day 😆 Hope you're a Sake Party 🍶 😉. I was new to this sake rice too! The other day, Matsuchiyo-san wrote that the white dove became tasty as a gin-kasuji: ☺️