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abe楽風舞 純米吟醸純米吟醸原酒生酒おりがらみ
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Finally, a green abbey, which you all have been pushing very hard for. The moment the guard is removed, poof! and the cork blows out. The aroma is sour, rummy, and a bit alcoholic. When you take a sip, it's like a sip, sizzle, sizzle. A little (not in a bad way) chemical-like? The aroma goes into the nose, and then the rice comes in. Stable and tasty. The second day is also delicious. The "shwat-pon" is alive and well! is still there. Overall, the aroma feels mellow. When you drink it, the fresh aroma goes right through you. The soft umami and sweetness that spreads in the mouth is quickly taken away by the effervescence and freshness. I enjoyed it with a meal.
Hello Kotaro 😃 I'm glad you made it, especially T.KISO and J&N's favorite, Abe-chan 💚 🤗It's delicious 😋I'm surprised you didn't kill it in the blink of an eye and left it until the second day 😆.
Hello Kotaro😊. This is delicious 🎶. As the name of the sake rice, Raku-fu-mai, suggests, it's like a fresh wind blows and makes you dance with joy? It's like dancing with a fresh wind 🤣💃🏻
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ I finally drank the Abechan💚 you both recommended! It did not disappoint 😆 I wanted to check the taste change but I could only leave it until the second day... all I could tell was that it was delicious ✨🤣.
Hi T.KISO, ☀️ This is so delicious 🥳I don't think I've heard of Raku-fu-mai sake rice anywhere else, but it's so delicious I can't help but dance to it 🎵and every time Abé-chan comes out with a seasonal one, I'm dancing to it 🤣.