SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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First day of Takashimaya Sake Festival(*) Sake from Saitama Prefecture is not easy to see in Osaka! So I was curious and went there! Nihonbashi is the name of a place in the area where there is an electronics store district right there from Takashimaya The reading of the name is different, but I felt a connection. What a surprise, this is for me and I bought it immediately! And you can get a cup of sake by following their instagram! This is a five year old sake! It's a very dry sake, so the hit is strong, but the taste is relatively light. It also goes well with warmed sake, although it doesn't change drastically! I was originally hoping to get a bottle of Kenrishi Nada no Nama Nama, but they couldn't produce it in time, so I was disappointed, but this one saved the day! Also, Edo no Banquet was very clear and sweet with a strong acidity! The freshly pressed sake was a bit astringent and crisp! And Takebayashi from Okayama! Kamo Midori no Sake Brewery's own rice brand! Junmai is a good sake blended with a little bit of old sake, and it was quite good warmed up! Personally, I was tempted to buy the Kamo Midori Honjozo and the regular cup, but I didn't!
Good morning, Shinjou-san ☀☀☀☀. Takashimaya Sake Festival sounds like a lot of fun🎶. There is a sake named Nihonbashi 😳and it's 5 years old! That's unique to the event👍✨I'd love to go 😁.
Shinjo-san, this is my day 🙋. I heard good things 😁. Nihonbashi is not my favorite type of bridge, but I hope there is a good one 🤔.
Hello, Mr. Pon-chan. As I recall, the quantity of the five year old was limited. It's hard to recommend it, but the event itself is a good one with many things to eat. I was so scared of the new cologne that I left right away, but you can certainly enjoy 7 hours of fun!
Hello Mr. BOUKEN (****) Nihonbashi is quite gutsy and dry, old-fashioned, isn't it? The sake cups are quite small and are more for objects than for practical use. This time, the percentage of dry sake cups is higher than that of Hankyu and others.
Shinjou-san, every time ❗️ You are still very energetic in digging up the very serious minor sake 👍. I'm glad to see so many sake breweries come to Osaka for their events!
Thank you very much! Really good entertainment and I appreciate that! Tokyo is even more backwoods, but... I have a taste for unpopular sake, so minor sake naturally lines up in my house at these occasions...