SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Bornしぼりたて初雪 山田錦 薄にごり純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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Bon is all about aging and blending Here is a new sake with a blend of 35% and 50% polished rice Sweet aroma like melon or cotton candy, you can tell it's delicious just by the aroma! Gasiness on the palate. Full-bodied, rich, sweet and juicy! This is a tough one! 😱 Firm and thick drinking experience Layered. Mellow, deep and full-bodied. Sweet and soft on the throat Good, good, good, good! I tried it with milk as suggested by the brewer It is quite interesting, worth a try! I like it on the rocks. On my way home from work, I saw a big ad for Fukushima tourism at a certain station in Taipei. What a coincidence! A toast to that unforgettable day
Good evening, superbebe😄 Brahma is delicious 🎶. It's totally my favorite❣️ And today is that day. A toast to a day that should not be forgotten.
Hi T.KISO This is too good! I like it a lot. I'd like to try the rest of your lineup. But I'm not a fan of aged sake 😅 I'm hesitant to try it.