SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT 山田錦原酒生酒無濾過
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Memorandum of January 12. Recovered from corona infection and drank on January 7, but I am not feeling well and have been abstaining from alcohol again 😭. I'm feeling much better now and have the desire to drink ✨. I'm going to drink ✨ The first sake I was going to drink in the new year 🍶 is from Koeihiku Sake Brewery in Ogi City, Saga Prefecture. Kouei Kiku Sake Brewery in Ogi City, Saga Prefecture Koei-Kiku SNOW CRESCENT Yamadanishiki from Koei-Kiku Sake Brewery in Ogi City, Saga Prefecture. This sake made an impact on me when I first started getting into sake. I was always scared to open the bottle... I always forget the name of the thing that holds the cork. When I opened the cork little by little And sure enough, it flew out 💦. It's full of energy again this year 😂. The aroma is fresh and citrusy? More green apple? In the mouth, awesome shwash! Juicy acidity and flavor. Moderate sweetness, and a slight bitterness at the end with the oli! Firm but dry and easy to drink✨. Delicious 😋. I'm looking forward to more and more new sake coming out! Thanks for the treat 😋.
Rumion-san, I know I'm late, but I look forward to working with you again this year 😊. I'm sorry you had a tough start to the new year 😰Please take it easy and get back on track 🙏. Love Saga 🥰👍Snoclet still looks delicious ❣️ more different rice 💦.
Pon-chan, thank you for your support this year 🙇 I guess it's because of my poor daily conduct 😭 lol I enjoy Koei Kiku especially because it's a sake that I have a special attachment to! There's a lot more to come 😭Let's have fun ✨
Hi Rumion 😃 I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough start to the new year... I'm glad it didn't leave you with taste disorder 😌. Of all the Kouei Chrysanthemums, Snoclet is the one that I remember getting swamped in, but I can't bring it home because my fridge is too full 😅.
Haruei Chichi, I know it's a daily routine 😂. Thank God I don't have taste disorder ✨This time of year with the rush of new sake, no matter how many refrigerators you have, it's never enough 😂.