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久米桜生酛芽依 R4BY
久米桜 Check-in 1久米桜 Check-in 2
This time it is Meiyo from Kumezakura. Kumezakura is the sake that introduced me to Sanin sake. It was at a heated sake restaurant that the person next to me had a bottle of Meiyo heated up with me, and I felt like I could take a step into the world of adult San'in sake with its attractive label. It's a staple at Setoka-san drinking and has been uploaded several times, but I was deeply moved to finally welcome it home😌. First, at room temperature. Light yellowish appearance. The top aroma is lightly citrusy with a hint of soy sauce and citrus acidity. First, at room temperature. The mouthfeel is smooth. From the acidity that seems to run lightly through the palate, a light sweetness with a smoky nuance and umami like biting into brown rice flow beautifully and enchant you. It is delicious at room temperature with a crisp, bitter taste. When heated, the flavor is concentrated and thickened, and the acidity is mixed with a mild rice flavor and a bitter bitterness that gives it a sharp finish. It's delicious both at room temperature and hot sake. The clear, nourishing flavor and refreshing aftertaste will leave you wanting more 😊. Katano Sakura and Kumezakura, Will the 🌸 blooming continue soon?
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😃. I've never seen Tottori Asahi rice before, but it's a native species that is also the root of Asahi rice 🤔. Like other native species, it needs to be cultivated naturally, so it seems to be very valuable nowadays, but it seems to make a very tasty sake 😄.
Good morning, Hirupeko 😃. Tottori sake 🍶 with this label is a very mature sake 😁I would like to drink a bottle slowly ☺️
Hello, Aladdin. He arrived at Tottori Asahi to grow without pesticides and fertilizers. It is a kind of sake that confronts nature and also tastes naturally familiar to the body, I feel like I am being tested 😊.
Hi Jay & Nobby. Kume-Zakura is very particular about its labels, and Mei is a rice version of a fish print. It's as if you are facing a work of art, and the taste is both comforting and mysterious 😊.
Good morning Hirupeko ❗I have also had it at Seto Fruits 😃❗I was told that it was inked on an ear of rice and pressed on paper 😃❤️ you will want to keep the label even after you drink it.
Hi, pyonpyon. The label of Meiyo that the person next to me was drinking caught my eye, and it is a very important sake that has completely changed my image of Sanin sake. It's a staple at Setogata 😊.