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I opened it last June 30 at the 1st season of Sake no Wajo 🍶Tennyo no Shizuku👯😍I can't stop drooling just hearing about it 🤤Tennyo, shi, shizuku💧. It has a lot of flavor typical of Shinshu sake with a bit of bitterness ❗As the day goes by, the bitterness goes away and the flavor stands out 😋 Well, it's hard to say which one is better than Masumi, but I think Masumi wins by a narrow margin 😁. My wife is going on a business trip to Hyogo Prefecture for 3 months 🛫 Due to our mutual work commitments, we parted ways 2 days before the flight! I thought about doing love exercises with my wife since we won't see each other for a while, but my eldest daughter caught a cold and had to take a day off from school 😰 so I had to leave her behind 😓. Good luck wife ❗and have fun 👍the house will be just fine 😃. Work hard and earn a lot of money 😁.
The crab was a gift from Doragon❗ Thank you, Doragon, not only for the sake but also for the seafood 😌.
Don't enjoy the 3 months to the fullest 🤣.
Good evening, takeshon 😃. My wife more than me 🤣.
Good evening, Mr. Menshuoh 🌛. Welcome to your wife's training away from home 😁Menzhuoh, good luck with the house 😃. When you get settled, have them send you some sake from the Kamigata area around Hyogo, Osaka and Kyoto 😊.
Hi Gyve 😃 I hope I can manage to get through the 3 months ❗I also have a job that requires me to work night shifts, so I have to rely on my parents and others to help me out 😓I wonder if my wife will send me some alcohol? I wonder if my wife will send me some alcohol 😰😰.