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地酒のマツザキ 川越新宿店
Overall 8 (out of 10) Mr. Pekho, who likes dry taste, gave it a score of 9 My first Nagasaki sake 🍶. It's not the sharp, sweet and umami type that I like, but it's delicious 😋. The sake is "brewed to express the sea. It is said to be "brewed to express the sea". Is this the mineral taste? I guess you could say 🤔. Astringency, spiciness, and a subtle saltiness. It is a unique taste that I have never experienced before👍 It's a very refreshing drink that you can't stop sipping 👍. Best of Kuroko👍 to enhance your sashimi main meal. I had it chilled. The aroma is very nice and it is very refreshing.  -Aroma: Slight aroma of rice👍  -Aroma: Aroma of rice and a hint of astringency in the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 1 at the beginning → 1 lingering aftertaste  -Astringency: 3 at the beginning → 2 lingering  -Rice flavor: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0 Mouthfeel I felt】→3 Smaller number = smooth Larger number = thicker and richer (5 is the maximum)
Mineral feeling nurtured by the sea! Tonight we have yellowtail sashimi and cold tofu with wakame and purple onion in sweet vinegar. It goes well with soy sauce. ⭕️ Amazu-zuke enhances the sweetness and acidity not found in sake, and gives the rice a sweet taste! Kai-fu-do" is also this type. Good for sweets!
It was empty😅 The alcohol checker read 0.35mg/L for Pepho and 0.69mg/L for me. Pepho suspected that I must have drunk too much ⁉️. 🤨
Hi shinsaku3 & Pekho 😃! Fukkai! It's delicious 😋 we have a sparkling one coming up 😚 it's on our list to drink tonight 🤗 we're both drinking almost the same amount 😁 more allegedly 🫢 are the numbers true ⁉️🤣
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. Fukkai-san it's delicious 😃❣️ The purpose of using alcohol checkers in our house is changing to "finding stolen alcohol" 😅.