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Gakki Masamune大吟醸 白鼓
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@Home Drinking Daiginjyo by Masamune Kikki, said to be the SPEC for the sake on display. At the beginning of the year, we drank the counterpart, Kurotsuiko, but how about Shirotsuiko...? The aroma of this Daiginjo is very fragrant, and as others have said, it has a muscat-like aroma. The gentle sweetness that seeps into the palate and the crisp aftertaste that always loops through as you continue to drink, so you will never get tired of drinking it. It has the same elegant taste as Kurotsuji. I'm uploading this while drinking it now, but I'm sure I'll finish it soon 🤣.
Good evening, N.E. What a delicious review 🎵. I recently got this one myself and am looking forward to my first instrument, and N.E.'s review makes me even more excited to drink it 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki 😃. Is it your first time to get Gakkie⁉👏 This is a daiginjo, so it is an easy-drinking type without any habits, and it is Swissy. If you have a chance, please try our Honjozo as well!