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Finally here it is, the last 2022 Jungin... 🤣😍 I was able to hold the last bottle, so I compared it with this year's, or even last year's 💕not that it's the season 🤣. The look and feel is the same. The aroma of the 2022 is milder and nuttier, while the 2023 is lighter and more fruity 🍏. The 2022 is a little thicker in the mouth, the elegant umami is a step more like yourself, with a great deep aroma and gentle aftertaste 😊. The 2023 has a smooth mouthfeel with the same elegant umami and a clean finish 😍✨. Although it's new, it's already almost a year old 🤣. I enjoyed the taste which is different from Junmai, Nama, and Usunigori. ☺️ I wonder when we can drink the 2024 jungin 🤣
Hi Mamio 😃 You are a one step ambassador! Enjoyed drinking all the 2022s by comparing different years 😆. I kinda feel the years on the label 😌. Next year 🤣.
Mamio, this day has finally arrived ❣️ I screamed wow 😁 I can see you enjoying the different years so much. And after all, Ippo is delicious 😋It will soon be jungin season 🍂.
Hi Jay & Nobby, good evening ⭐ the label is rubbed off the 2023 for some reason 😂I wondered later if I should have gone to Kashiwagi's and compared the 3 years when the 2024's came out 🤔.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening ⭐Yoyaku! I thought the 2022 was more matured and it enhanced the taste of Jungin 💕I would like to drink the new one when it comes out, but I thought the old one was good too!