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MiyanomatsuBEAT SWEET生酒発泡
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Obon vacation. Relaxing with family on this day. In the evening, we cooked what everyone wanted to eat and relaxed. The accompanying sake was Miyanomatsu🍶 from Matsuo Sake Brewery in Arita, Saga Prefecture. I really like Miyanomatsu's nigori 😁. What a surprise, it was too energetic (active) when bottled once. I heard that the bottling was postponed because it was too energetic (active) when bottled once. I'm looking forward to hearing such a story 😊. Surprisingly, the bottle opened easily! Nice sound when pouring into a glass ✨. When you take a sip, you can feel the gas and a slight citrus acidity. The taste of the rice is strong. After that, you will feel a complex bitterness like nigori. The aftertaste is surprisingly dry. It's still good ✨. I'm looking forward to more sakes in the future 😁. Thank you for the treat 😋.
Rumion-san Good evening. I am paying a lot of attention to Miya-no-Matsu. I envy you because it is not sold very often in Fukuoka. I drank the pink one, but I haven't seen this one.... I would like to drink it even if I have to go to Saga for a long trip.
Good evening, Mr. Gura! I am also a big fan of this sake 🍶 I see that there are still not so many of them available in Fukuoka. I'm sure you can buy it in the western part of Saga Prefecture, so please make a trip there.
Good evening, Rumion! This is really delicious ❗️ The gradation of flavors is so beautiful that I never got tired of drinking it 🤗.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi. That was delicious 😁. Miyanomatsu nigori is really good ✨. Wish I could have had some before they postponed bottling 😂.