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Storehouse Review 94 I had heard somewhere that "Kuroryu makes a delicious autumn sake" and had been wanting to try it, but surprisingly I had never done so. I have never had Kuroryu before, so I don't know what to do. It seems a bit expensive. It's expensive, over 1000 yen. But I'll buy it just to try it! ......What's this? It's so delicious! The first thing that hits you is the coolness. The coolness that pierces through at first, and then the depth that flows from there. This story is fresh. It smells of melon and banana. The sweetness is moderate, but the acidity is sharp and fruity with a sweet and sour taste. The flavor is strong but not too strong, so it definitely complements the meal. The bitterness at the end also adds depth and is pleasant. It is a perfect match for meals that make the most of the ingredients. It goes well with fried mushrooms in soy sauce, avocado with sesame oil and salt, or simply with miso soup! This is one of the most impressive sakes I have tasted this year. I would like to know if you have any recommendations for which season of Koryu sake is best. I don't know why I didn't drink it before... I'm going to buy a bottle of No. 4 right away!
Nice to meet you, and thanks for the review! I found your review very helpful and I am following you! Nice to meet you 🙇‍♀️ I'm a Black Dragon lover, so I'm happy to share the goodness with you 😍 Black Dragon has a lot of good stuff coming out this time of year 😆.
Nice to meet you Nork! It's a pleasure to meet you! Thank you 😊. I mean, I never knew there was a system called "follow" lol. I have followed you, thank you very much!
Mr. Nork. I see, thank you very much! I'm a little curious about Kutouryuu during the new sake season, so maybe I'll buy some somewhere and review it 💡.
Thank you for the follow! If it's a new sake, I would recommend Jungin Doroguchi and others 😋 I would like to ask flos_lingua_est, who drinks a lot of sake from different regions, to tell me what kind of sake Kuroryu is 😄✨.
No, it's my pleasure! Jungin no Doroguchi. Thank you very much! I hope this year I can do something like a comparison between Kuroryu and Kutouryuu Doroguchi! I know this is a poor review, but please keep up the good work 🙌
Ahhh 😆 I love them both and recommend them ♡. Nice to meet you too! I'll try the sake you recommend in your review if I come across it 😋.