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御前酒GOZENSHU9 菩提酛 レギュラーボトル純米水酛
御前酒 Check-in 1御前酒 Check-in 2
Nurukan Sato (ぬる燗佐藤)
〜Off-line meeting with J&N Sakénawa in Kansai, Osaka (7) I forgot to write the time line and the number of words, so the story goes back and forth, but the time to change seats didn't go well, and Mr. Sakeran was disappointed 😓. Everyone called me Sekeran 😁. The 7 people I moved to were Gyve, Maru, Hirupeko, Kyuzo, Usagigoten, and pyonpyon. Gozenshu9 is a casual label and bottle, but I thought the quality of the sake was very Japanese. There are many varieties of Gozenshu in the lineup, but the one we drank was probably this one, which is a year-round product. I also have the impression that the Gozenshu Bodai-Hashiroshi, which is not Gozenshu 9, has a different atmosphere from the sake I have had in Nara.
That's funny... I was really in a hurry....hohohohohoho bouken sir 💧. And I've never had this regular bottle, I've had the white one, but I understand the classic sake feel.
Good evening, bouken 🌙 I'm so thankful for you sekiran 🤣 for giving us a topic to talk about every time 😁. The black 9 was a classic too. The classic label 1859 is the most fruity😅I hope you can link it to the taste 💦.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 😁. Don't learn from this, next time you will have to change seats again 🤣. I saw your past post! I've been marking this one 😅I guess I'll just have to go through with it 🤔.
Good evening Ponchan 😃 I was wondering where the word "Sekeran" came from 🤣1859 fruity 😳I had passed it by because it looks so classic 😅.