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Keigetsu Check-in 1Keigetsu Check-in 2
Keigetsu Check-in 3Keigetsu Check-in 4
Sake Day & Fifteen Nights Opening a bottle of Gui Tsuki CEL24 under the full moon A lively party with rabbits, foxes and dragons lined up When I took the Turtle Fountain CEL24. When I learned of Katsuragi, I knew. I've been looking for it for a long time. I was out in Kichijoji the other day. Future Japanese Sake Shop Bumped into each other and bought immediately The taste is what you'd expect. Pineapples in full bloom. Same as the Hanyang Bath and Turtle Spring CEL24. Since it can no longer be compared in memory. I want to compare drinks at the same time. The alcohol content is higher than that of Kameisen (it should be). I'm a little calmer (not too juiced). It might feel like. Strong sweetness and Not too much acidity to accentuate it. Almost non-bitter taste. We drank the black dragon's noble brew with him. It's smooth and delicious. given that Katsura Moon CEL24 is I'd say it has a sour attack. Even his wife, who doesn't like to drink. He said it was drinkable and he'd have a refill. CEL24 yeast is a wonder to behold! Sake rice: Gin no Yume 100% (Kochi Prefecture) Polished Rice: 50%. Alcohol: 15 degrees
Sorry for the comment. I've also had Kamesen's cel24 and this one, but it's hard to tell them apart unless you compare them at the same time! It's amazing the power of yeast to make them taste so similar.
Mr. Tuna Fishing Boat That's it. I want to compare drinks. And I heard this yeast was developed for this flavor. I'm curious to see what happens when you combine it with Aisan. I wish they would make it.
It's even more amazing that you're going to make it! It will be interesting to see what kind of difference it makes depending on the rice used. With Aisan, it's like a ripe pineapple! That's interesting to imagine!