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Naruka「潮騒」純米 ふさこがね うすにごり生原酒
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地酒とワインの店 マルマタ
As soon as I peeled off the metal part of the stopper, as the warning tag said, the stopper popped and bubbles flew out ....................... When I put it in my mouth, I felt a strong acidity and carbonation. When I first drank it, I thought it might be sparkling wine, but after about a week, the carbonation calmed down and the acidity became more pronounced. I didn't notice it when the carbonation was strong, but the bitter aftertaste is so intense that it tastes as if I bit into a lemon or grapefruit. Shin Takatsukichiyo had a great sourness, but it may be just as sour or even more so. At least the lemon flavor is stronger in this one! If someone told me it was a lemon sour and served it to me, I wouldn't recognize it... but with 14 degrees of alcohol, I'd be scared ... . LOL!
Hello, Banbanboo 😃 We just had a different one, Narumi 🤗 ours is already a white wine 😅Narumi! That's interesting 😋.
Jay & Nobby I just noticed your comment .... Sorry 🙇🏻‍♂️ So it's white wine there ... . I guess it's a western taste with acidity at its core.... I'm excited to try these sharp wines because they expand my horizons! LOL!