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Haneya Check-in 1
Haneya Check-in 2Haneya Check-in 3
Overall 8 (out of 10) Pepho, who likes to be picky, gave it a 9😅. Went to Shinjuku today for a health checkup. On the way home, I got sucked into the usual Seibu Food Hall "Sake Brewery" 😅. I couldn't see the "No.44 Māyākyū-chan" already... 😅 Instead, I bought a sake from Toyama, which I have never had before. According to the description, it is "a light and refreshing sake with lime and grapefruit nuances. Indeed, the first sip reveals a citrusy taste and the underlying umami of rice. After that, it fades out with a slight astringency in tow. It is quite light and easy to drink, perhaps due to the 13% alcohol content. It may be suitable to drink in summer with summer dishes. I served it chilled. The aroma I perceived was as follows  -Aroma: A strong ginjo aroma 👍  -Aroma: Aroma of ginjyo as it is. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum).  -Spiciness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: Start 2→ Lingering 1  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 0 at the beginning → 1 lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 3 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt] → 1 Smaller number = light and smooth Bigger number = thicker and richer
The delicious sake continues 🥰44 with more sweetness and bitterness, low-alcohol and light atmosphere. Today we have grilled mackerel and steamed slices of 🍆 that we got from our neighbor, with shirasu, cheese and oliveoil on!🎊How is the result of the health checkup for eggplant new ground🎊⁉️
Good evening, shinsaku3 😃. Haneya! We have a lot of trust in this one for sure 🤗It's delicious 😋Did you two go for a checkup together? We're going for a day and a bit of sobriety 😁.
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. It was very delicious ❣️😋 I should have bought all of them since they had two more kinds 😅. I'm the only one at the checkup. This year I couldn't resist the alcohol ban and drank some Māyākyūchan the day before 😱.