SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hanaabi純米大吟醸 おりがらみ 雄町
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GW Sake Activity Day Part 1 (2) [After having lunch at Amida Soba, we strolled around Fukui Station, where many events were held during GW, and finally went to a beer event called "Holiday and Beer" 🚶. However, I gave up on the idea of having a beer because it was a bit too much to drink, so I went to [SHIMA & coffee & saké], which was having a small food event 😁. First of all, we had a drink at this place that has a strong presence in the cellar 🍶. Hanahayo Junmai Daiginjo Arigarami. Aroma of mellow pineapple, sweetness like pineapple with a little sourness on the palate, a juicy yet refreshing umami, and a fade-out finish with a pleasant aftertaste, bitterness lingering in the throat, and a fruity tropical aroma that passes through the nose. Ahhhh, it's delicious!
Jive, you are having a great time 🎵. The very popular Hanahayo Yuzu. I've seen many of my favorites, unfiltered raw - omachi - orikarami, and if it's from Huayouyu, it can't get any better than this 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-san 🌛. I think SHIMA is the only place in my hometown where I can drink "Huayouyasu", I order it as soon as I find it 😁. This pineapple feeling is a must repeat 😋.