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AramasaNo.6 S-type純米生酛原酒生酒
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和酒処天ぷら たかさん
Chain drinking comparison. The second bottle of Shinsei is the No6 S-Type! I've never had or seen this one before, totally new to me! 😂 It is less sweet than R, but the umami is strong. It's a mix of sweetness and acidity, which is typical of Shinsei, and it's soooooooooo good! I've never had this before 😋. It's really easy to understand when you compare the two. I'd like to compare R, S, and X side by side someday 🤤🤤. Just as I was doing this luxurious comparison, I received a miraculous gift of 4 bottles of Shinmasa in front of me! 😳 I added the "Ash" and another "Lapis" that Chichi had reviewed and we compared 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 I was so impressed that I forgot to take a picture... 😱. 😱. Thanks to Rika and Chichi for this miraculous gift 🤗🤗.
MAJ. I didn't do anything 😅. Thanks to Rika's hard work‼️. Lapis also came out but I didn't drink it 💦.
MAJ. I envy you! What a great comparison of drinks! If there was a place like this near me, I would definitely go there!
MAJ, good evening 🌙I could see the difference between R and S 😊Ash and Lapis are the best drink comparison 😍I know what you mean about forgetting to take a picture in your joy 😆I would love to compare R.S.X ❣️
MAJ 😂The last offline meeting turned out to be a Shinsei festival 😍😍. I was so jealous of MAJ because she was comparing drinks in front of me the whole time 😂. I couldn't drink all the sake I wanted to so I want to go back ❕.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi! 😄 No, no, they know I was picking you up at the counter with Rika... 🤣Didn't you drink Lapis? The waitress put a glass of it down for each of us, okay?
Good evening, Kuri the woodsman! I'm so glad to see you here 😄. I had multiple bottles of Jikin waiting to be opened in my fridge, so I'll have to revisit! 😆 It was a paradise for sake lovers 😋.
Good evening, Yu🎶! I'm so happy to see you here 😄. I was so excited to see the 4 Shinsei sake in front of me. 💦RSX is a dream to compare drinks because it's rare to have them all together 😋😋.
Rika, good evening! 😄 That's right! Last but not least, Shinsei Festival 🤣It's hard to compare drinks if you can't drink in quantity, isn't it? 😂I had a hanamup too, so let's hit it again 😋👍.