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WakanamiWakanami Sparkling Sake
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Purchased in Nerima Ward, Tokyo ♪ Alcohol content@13%. Sake degree @ Undisclosed Acidity @ Undisclosed Rice used@Jukinmu Polishing ratio@55 Personal Recommendation@4.0/5.0 It's hot every day! On a day like this, it's time for sparkling wine. ❣️ So I drove 20 minutes by bicycle to my usual liquor store to buy a bottle of sparkling Wakanami that I had been eyeing for a while 😊. There was still some left in the fridge😊. I know this is a bit of a change of subject, but Fukuoka Prefecture has a lot of sake breweries in the country. ‼️ I don't see much of it at the liquor stores I visit. I'm not sure if it's all done in Fukuoka, which is a big consumption area, or if it only goes to the Kansai area 😜. Now, let's open the bottle: ❣️ I spilled about 2 cups of sake because of the strong wind when I took the picture 😢. As Manachie said, I wish the color of the bottle would be clear for this kind of sake which has a possibility of spilling. Fashionable bottles are nice, but it's hard to see the blow up and it's hard to open the bottle 🥵. Well, when you put it in a glass🥂, there is a moderate orization. The sweetness is not too strong, but just right. It has a little bit of sourness to it. The first day it seemed dry, but today, on the second day, it has a sweetness. It's 13 degrees and low al and easy to drink. ✌️
3KAN4ON, good evening...you can't really see it on a black flight 😂😂😂 there are quite a few sake breweries in Fukuoka, but really only about 3 are seen over here 😭.
Good evening, 3KAN4ON! There are not many sake breweries in Kansai and Fukuoka 😢I have never seen Wakanami in Kansai except for outside drinking 😭I would like to try this sake too 💦.
Good evening, Mr. Manachie 🌕. The only Fukuoka sake I can buy at the liquor stores I usually go to are Wakanami, Tanaka, Garden Uguisu, and Shigemasu. I guess I have to go to an antenna store for this too 😢.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌝. Oh, I see 😅 it's hard to buy Fukuoka sake even in Kansai! It's hard to buy Fukuoka sake even in Kansai 😅. Wakanami is made by a young female master brewer and is a promising brand, so if you can find it, please visit ❣️