SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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🪨 Sorry, I made a mistake with the name of the restaurant, so I erased the text there: 🙇‍♀️ I've moved away from the Shinsei and Jikin menus and went to the regular? I've left the Shinsei and Jikin menus behind and went with the regular blackboard menu. I haven't been able to drink Morishima in four-packs, so I tend to order it when I find it at a bar. It is freshly pressed and tastes the sweetest. The reason why I had the farewell party only for volunteers was to avoid the boss who complained a lot. So, I set the bonus feedback I would receive from that boss for the same day, since he told me I could also get rid of my exasperation in that area. As soon as the farewell party started I was like, "I've been hit with feedback!" I exploded🌋. I was given the lowest grade I could find in the first half of the year, which I couldn't even look up. They don't want to pay a penny more to people who quit. Not long ago, this supervisor and the general manager were talking on the phone and asked, "Is that grade fair?" So this is what they were saying! And. I heard that this is the way it is in the world as a culture (really?), so I guess it can't be helped. I guess it can't be helped.
Aunty. Good morning 😁. People who get personal feelings in personnel evaluations are not suitable for management positions 🤔I'm a human being, so even if I like or dislike someone, the job evaluation should be constant.
Good morning Ane ✨ I remember my shitty boss when I quit my last company😅. At least let me use all of my paid time, you idiot 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬w
Hi Ane 😃 Causes and effects do come and go, so that boss is going to have a hard time sooner or later.... and I thought that when I quit my old company 😁.
Good morning, Kozo 😊. It's a strange company where the higher up you go, the more discernment you get. They do irregular things to raise their favorite people. Keep up that stance 😁.
Good morning, Matsuchiyo 😃. Were you pretty much thrown away? I was only able to take half a day off at the end, although they let me take 2 weeks straight, so that was good there. It's tough because of the handover, but it's your right 🥲.
Good morning, TOMO 😊. It's already started 🙃The proof is that young people are quitting one after another. I'm going to make a difference at the next company and make them pay back 💪.