I didn't know it was Kido at first glance😅
I knew from the endorsement that it was Kido and bought it 😆.
I wish they would write Kido in big letters like they always do 🤣.
Well, open the bottle 🍶.
I can feel the sweetness and sourness 🤔.
It's sweet and sour like apricots with a strong acidity 😁.
The acidity is refreshing and refreshing and it goes down the throat very well 😙.
And here comes the hot sake challenge 🍶🔥.
I bought the "Nonbee Yokocho" that you often see in the pictures you post for the simple reason that "everyone has it" 😆.
Now for the debut of the super heated sake machine😄!
50 degrees ♨️
The sweetness has increased and the sourness is gone. Instead, there is now a fragrance that pierces the nose when swallowed.
35% ♨️
The sweetness has settled down and mellowed. The sourness is back a little, and the hackles are gone. Overall, it has a nice, mild taste.
It's hard to bring heated sake to the right drinking temperature because the temperature drops with time 😅.
I want to train myself every day to be able to use the super heated sake machine as you do 💪.
Hi Hiro 😃
I've never seen Kido here before 😳It's like a "kiddo" 😆 and congratulations on your Nonbey Yokocho get ㊗️ 🎉we're not very sensitive 😅we simply heat it up 🍶and it's delicious 😋🤣.
Hi Jay & Nobby😄
It's important to warm up the sake 😆Nobey Yokocho is good for warming up the sake to the core because it doesn't boil unlike gas boilers 🤗.
Ichiro was also obsessed with tools, so we should be obsessed with machines too 😆.