Masamune hunters go today🍶.
Stopped by the antenna store in my spare time 😄
The curse of Masamune makes me unconsciously look for Masamune 👀...... Oh, I found a rare Masamune 💡.
It's a mediocre Masamune, not a specific name sake, but a Masamune I've never seen before.
That's the thing, in Dracula, it's the mind of a brave man who knowingly puts on cursed equipment. ⚔️💀
Now, open the bottle🍶.
First, try it at room temperature.
It is pale yellow 🟡.
It smells of alcohol and has a good old classic type of style😈
I think I've done this 😱.
but the thin sweetness is moist 😙.
The presence of brewing alcohol does not hide the alcohol taste 🫣.
But the sweetness is decent and less cloying than I expected 🤗.
It's a better Masamune than I thought it would be ⤴️
This is sure to be a revolution in the super heated sake machine "NONYOKO" 🙂 ❗️
Hot fire at 55 degrees 🔥.
It's a bit skittish, but the alcohol feeling is reduced and a soft sweetness remains 😚.
Definitely easier to drink than at room temperature 😆.
This sake was suitable for warming up 🤗....
...maybe it's cosy 🙄.
Nice Masamune👍
Excuse me for the abruptness, but I have a question for Masamune hunter Hiro-san. I see a lot of "Masamune" sake labels with the characteristic "mustache" character, but is this due to the influence of "Sakura Masamune", the original Masamune? I was thinking, "They all look alike..." 🧖. 🧐
Good evening, Hiro 😃.
I'm getting a "kita🤩" around the "Masamune Hunter" area, is this another curse of the yokatou Masamune? 🤣
There seem to be a lot of classic Masamune from the historical background where various Masamune were born 🤔.
Nice Masamune👍, making full use of heating as well!
Good evening, Mr. Natchez😄.
No - I don't know 😓.
I do see Masamune written in the same font on wooden signs, and I think it must have been quite popular, but I don't know where it originated 😓.
Good evening, Aladdin😄.
Ahh, that's the curse of Masamune 😆.
Welcome to this side 🤣🎊
I agree with you that Masamune has a lot of classics. If it is not the representative brand of the brewery, I think the percentage of classics is high 😆.
Hi Hiro ☃.
[Masamune hunter ✨is a content with no end in sight 🤣.
Cursed equipment depends on how you use it, and each [Masamune] depends on how you drink it 😁.
Hi Gyve, good evening😄.
True, there is no end in sight for Masamune 😅 hence I'm going to enjoy it as my life's work 🤗.
I can't believe you found a common ground between cursed equipment and Masamune... that made me laugh 🤣.
Thank you for your answer, Hiro 😊I heard there are about 150 species of Masamune in Japan. Please keep pushing forward on your Masamune path 😁.
Thank you for your support, Natchez 📣.
I'm still halfway through the Masamune path, but I'll do my best 💪.
I'll post about the bearded character when I find out something about it 🤗.