The coldest cold wave has arrived again, and it is getting colder 🥺.
Are you all ❄ okay in Sake-no-wa?
I was defeated by such cold weather and went to a familiar restaurant on my way home from work... ✨
As soon as I entered the restaurant, I ordered an "射美" ☝️
It has a mellow sweetness, with a gentle sourness and a good balance 😆.
It's especially good to drink after work. ☝️
Hello, Kano!
I understand 🎵
I know that a quick drink after work will soak you up 🍶.
The mellow sweetness of the sake is something I'd like to drink someday 😋.
I hope the snow hasn't gotten too bad, but I'm worried 😥.
Good evening, ma-ki-, 😆When the weather is this cold, you want a hot drink. ☝️ Never say that alcohol is... 🤣🤣🤣