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ささまさむね夏のにごり 生酒特別純米生酒にごり酒
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Sasasamune is often recommended by my almost only favorite restaurant, Standing Drinking CHUIN. This time, it was a summer nigori (nigori) draft sake, so I thought I couldn't miss it as a nigori list, so I tried it. The appearance was snow-white with a slight greenish tinge, like the lingering snow on the surface of a mountain. The aroma is mainly banana and melon, with a refreshingly exhilarating pear. The mouthfeel is smooth, tart, and sizzling 🫧. From the rich sweetness, a refreshing acidity that quickly follows and spreads out is light, my favorite pear taste🍐. The gasiness and acidity are pleasantly stimulating and delicious. The oli is involved, and the more tangy aftertaste fades away and the finish is pleasant and intoxicating ☺️ The aftertaste is moderate, and I like the bitterness that is typical of sasanigori. This is very tasty. It was also good that the gasiness was lively on the first day of opening the bottle, but I was also curious about the changes in the bottle opening, and most importantly, it was so good that I wanted to drink it at home. However, there don't seem to be many stores in Kansai that carry it😌. I'll keep that in mind for a while, and if I go to a store that carries it, I'd love to buy some.
Hi Aladdin 🐦. chuin's selection is great ✨I see you also have a summer nigori 😳I would like to try the winter one as it was delicious at the event 😊I wonder if I could buy it if the Hankyu brewery festival was around this time of year 🙄.
Good evening, Pon 😃. Sasasamune is regularly on the menu at chuin-san, but this time it was especially delicious: ☺️ Sasamasamune, I see you are coming to the Hankyu Brewery Festival! Thanks, I'll keep that in mind!
I don't know if they come every time, but they did last year or the year before 😊.
Pon, thank you for your kind attention 😊. I will keep my antenna up in the hope that we will have another chance to meet in the future😄
Sorry again 🙏. I guess you can't come this time 😢 sorry for getting your hopes up 🙇💦.
Don't worry about it at all! I have too many sakes to drink 😁. Looking at the participating breweries, I've always been curious about Echigo Tsurukame's Echigo brand, so I was hoping they would bring some 😊.