SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
豊明夏純米 紫陽花純米
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阪堺電車 車内
Off-line meeting of "Sake-no-wa Kansai_Hankai Train Charter" held on August 26, 2023. The plan was for each participant to bring a four-pack of sake and drink it all. This is the 13th bottle I checked in. Courtesy of Rafa papa. It is "Toyoake Summer Junmai Hydrangea" from Ishii Shuzo in Satte City, Saitama Prefecture! Toyoake is a brand that surprised me when I first drank a test brew of Ichikiichikai G-yeast at Chuin-san the other day, which was extremely delicious. I had heard from Rafa papa that he also enjoyed it, and he bought this one when he went back to his hometown and brought it to the off-line meeting! It's nice to know that we can enjoy the same sake 🥰. I can say the same for all the drinks we drank in the second half of the party, but it's a shame that I can't give you a full review because I drank them when I was already very drunk 😢. My impression is that the aroma is mild, the taste has a good sweetness but also has a moderate acidity, and it is a dry and dry sake with a refreshing flavor that flows down the palate before it is swallowed down the throat. Toyoake Isseiichikai G-yeast, which I drank before, was a gorgeous dark sweet-tasting sake, but this one is a dry, dry sake for summer, but it is not enough for the greedy sake lover. Thank you, Rafa papa!
Rafa papa
Good morning Aladdin 😃. We had a great time 😊 Let's go back 🤣.
Good evening, Rafa papa! Thank you very much for the opportunity to meet you at Yamacho afterwards 🍶 We would be happy to share the opportunity to have a good drink with you in the future. ☺️ Please come back again!