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Kido Summer Gale This year's summer sake Start with this sake: ✌️ Kido is known for its cosy taste 😁. Summer sake-like Slightly refreshing taste from citrusy aftertaste. Crisp and sharp. The fact that I had refrained from eating fried food and with fried food for the first time in a long time It was a match for me. ✌️ Today's lunch was Ienjiro 😁. I got it at Home Noodles. Ramen noodles with 2 pieces of black pork from Taro's ✌️ At the supermarket I bought two bags of 250g bean sprouts and boiled them to make 500g 😁. 500g is more vegetables? I'm not sure if it's the default, I wonder if the default is this much?
Manta-san konban-ha(o´ω`o)no~~ I made the ramen by myself ❓ It's just like in a restaurant! I'm also surprised at the 500 bean sprouts 😁. I haven't had kido for a while, I need to drink it 😊.
Rafa papa
Good morning Manta 😃 Homemade ramen noodles 🍜😳⁉️ sounds delicious 😋Please treat me sometime 🤣I've only been drinking Jun Dai Kido and not any of the seasonal ones 😅.
Good morning, Manta 😃. Kido! The name "Shippu" is clearly associated with it 😋 and Ie Jiro ‼️ is a powerful serving 😳 but it's mainly bean sprouts, so I guess it's health conscious: ⁉️
Hello Eirin ^_^ Unfortunately, I didn't make my own ramen 🍜😁. I wonder if it would be more heaping if you make it mashimashi at the restaurant? Kido, as always, is cosy and delicious, so please have a drink👍.
Hello Rafa ^_^ I've been looking for a way to get instant-frozen ramen from a website called "Takumen". You can buy instant-frozen ramen noodles from the site 😊. All you have to do is boil the noodles and boil the soup (ingredients) in hot water and you will have ramen noodles from the store ✌️ They also have delicious seasonal products 👍.
Hello Jay & Nobby ^_^ I don't think I'll hear gale except in the anime Naruto. It sure is refreshing to hear Shippu👍. This is a healthy meal as there are more bean sprouts than noodles 😁.